Well before I start I have to tell you that I am fine and that there is nothing wrong with me physically. I spoke to my Dad yesterday and he told me that along with my Mum, he was a little concerned about the title of my next Blog and wanted to make sure if I was Ok and If I was eating healthy food. Well dont worry Dad because ironically it was me trying to be haelthy that made my wee bright orange in the first place. It only happened twice and it was on the same day. I dont exactly know why, but I have an idea...............
Once upon a time my Auntie Tam insited that I took vitamin tablets, I tried to tell her that Im sure there would be food in Latvia, but she was having none of it. What could I do, she outranks me, not only is she my Auntie which makes her some type of authority figure I suppose(which in a matriarchal family like mines doubles in position) She is also a Paramedic in training. I would try to challenge her medical knowledge but Im only an EX-first Aider, and the only reason I got the certifiate in the first place is because the Lady that was marking and testing us, found out that I was related to Tammy and the rest of the Duckett clan( Ma, Claire and Bernie and of course my wonderful Gran). Plus if I argue too much she would litterally crush me like a grape.
So i have decided to take them, the best vitamin tablets Morrisions has to offer. First of, their huge, as big as.................................................i dont know my ear lobe and for people that are familiar with my ears they will understand my problem. secondly they are a horrible rust colour and they taste like shit and Im pretty sure that they were the reason that my piss looked like lucozade, thankfully this has stopped but Unfortunatley I am finding obstacles on my hunt for a healthy diet.
Now for those who do not know, I am a vegetarian and i have been a veggie for about three years. I have been asked why many times and I have given many explanations, "because i felt like it" "I dont want to eat something which has been killed" "one time under the influnce I watched Watership Down and it had a great effect on me to change my perception on life itself".
Well their all true (even the watership down one to a certain extent). I dont miss meat but I do miss one thing, My Grans Lasange, It is the best meal that for some of you have never had, so it was sad for me to say goodbye to it but now my Cousin Alf has taken the mantle of number 1 fan, its better of really......................................... its a young mans game.
Now to find veggie food here has been difficult, mainly because the concept of being a vegetarian itself is completely mad to your avarage Latvanian, they love the meat.
At the beggening of my trip to find food at all was difficult as my flat mate Thibault doesnt eat in the flat and if he does its a peice of bread with a slice of ham (he doesnt even put butter ont bread). Thnakfully the next day he showed me where the stores were, there are three similarly priced stores in Gulbene there is Maxima, Alviva and my favourite store Super Netto (its my favourite only becasue it sounds like Super-nintendo).
The first one we go to is Alviva, this was my first chance to look around to see what I will be cooking for the next 10 months of my life, and I tell you what there are a hell of lot of pickels!
Luckily there are your basics Pasta, rice bread, cereal and eggs and then it gets a little difficult theres veg but some of it I dont recognize and havnt got the first clue where to start cutting or even what top do with it, Thank fuck for the onion.
Next of is the brands, now there food items here that I recognize but not the manufacturers,Things like cereal is ok i mean Tony and the rest of the kellog gang are all here but savoury items are tricky. We have Butter made from the company Valdo, there is Vici Pizza, Spilva bread and my favourite Kok sauce. Kok (pronounced cock) makes pasta suaces (tomato, Oninon and garlic ect) and i cant wait to go to someones house and see it there, I have already planned what to say "I see you have some Kok on your shelf" ī perasonally like to keep my Kok in the fridge" and of course "whats your favourite falvour of Kok"
I may not be eating a wide range of food but at least it makes me laugh.
The thing is even the restaurants here are against vegetarians. There is a restaurant over the road from the centre, one day i skipped breakfast and lunch and decided to get some food there but unfortunatley its shut cos it doesnt open till 12, so I go in to work and I have a job to do which makes me busy untill 3 by this time Im getting really hungry and tired as the cold just saps your energy levels. I walk in ask for the english menu and go to the veggie section which said at the top "Vegetarian/kids speciality men". Us veggies dont even get our own section of the menu to ourselves. On offer was-
Carrot and PeaStew
Grilled Aubergine w/sauce
Potato Rosti with parmazan cheese
Dumplings with Sour cream
Pancakes with jam
Oats and ceral
There was no section marking off where the kids special menu started so i guesed it was the pancakes and oats. I ordered the dumplings as I like sour cream and I was even planning what to have for pudding, I had a coke (my first in about a week) and i was feeling quite happy about the whole situation.........then my meal came, these little dumpling things looked good on the outside so i popped one in my mouth and im sure i dont need to explain but i spat it back out again in about 3 seconds, Latvia is trying to fuck around with my food. I look inside and all i see is meat and not good meat but the kind of meat that makes turkey twizzlers look like a fucking T bone steak with peppercorn sauce in comparrison. I was angry, well as I angry i can get (which is not that angry). I stormed or realistically walked gently to the waiter. Now he was only a young red haired fellow, which by knowing many red haired gentlemen knew that they are quick to anger when startled, so I politely told him that there was no way at all that I was paying for this meal and that how on earth could they have a meat dish in the vegetarian section, that showed him....................I payed for my coke and left.
Later I told this story to one of my Latvian colleagues who said that they probably didnt have much meat inside which in Latvia is the closest you could get to a good vegtarian meal.
Now I went to a new store (maxima) and had a look and all the similar things were there, plus lots of things looking at me through hundreds and hundreds of glass jars, each thing as indescribable as the last. I walk to the pasta sauce section and there it was looking at me...it felt like a heavenly vision, at my lowest there was one person that was by my side, one person to look to, we all know him, weve known that hes been around us for years, we all know his name we call him BEN..............Uncle Ben.
There that sweet old man was looking at me on a jar of sweet and sour sauce, a brand that I knew, a brand that i could tolerate, I dont even like sweet and sour sauce that much, but thats not the point, Wheres the homepride cheff, wheres the annoying Dolmio puppets wheres the man from Del Monte......fucking no where to be seen.
And whenever i feel down about food again I will always smile and know that in My fridge Uncle ben is placed right next to a jar of Kok.
Next week join me on an me my next adventure "Oooh it Takes a Montage". This will see how i deal with the challenges that Latvia is making me face
and anything that we want to know from just a beginner to a pro, you want a montage (montage)
Even rocky had a montage (montage)
sestdiena, 2009. gada 17. oktobris
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