svētdiena, 2009. gada 11. oktobris

Thank God for the Brian Jones Town Massacre

Well it turns out that on the weekends I have nothing to do, and as I still don't know many people and I have lots of things to get of my chest the only thing i can do is write, but please don't worry i will not be writing one every day its just that i felt i left the last one half finished, i need to tell the tale of my first night in the flat.

I got to the apartment around 11 at night, the first thing i noticed was the darkness, there are few street lights in Gulbene which can make it a little unnerving at times. When we arrive at the flat Ieva the co-ordinator who was dropping me off took my 22kg bag with such ease it made re-evaluate my own didn't take too long. I know being strong is not an asset that i particularly have, who needs strength when you have ..............matching socks, i dont know im sure i have a few more........who am i kidding my socks don't match.
My new flatmate Thibault was waiting outside. What can i say, well not a lot as he will be reading this and is behind me as I write this down, but he certainly is a fascinating character. We go into the flat, i wasnt expecting a penthouse suite but it took me by surprise.
The first thing was that there was only one room, and i was lucky enough to have the couch! it wasnt till the next day that i found out not by my flatmate but by one of the volunteers that the couch was a pull out bed and that there was a second heavy blanket in the bedroom.
But on the first night the couch it was with a thin blanket, my sleeping bag and two pairs of socks on my feet.

So back to the flat, there was no food in the fridge as Thibault does not know how to cook and does not want to learn, so he eats out regularly, also there was no Television at the time, only a radio and a massive plant bigger than me in the corner of the room. One of the strangest quirks of the flat is the random A4 national Geographic pictures of animals randomly placed around the rooms and corridors, I literaly wake up looking at two parrots and i turn to the left and there are a group of penguins on an Iceburg.
The most irritating quirk is probably the fact that, and i dont want to sound crude here but its the only way of describing it, the water smells of fart...........................on closer inspection its probably copper which explains why the bath tub is orange.
So the first night was hard, i was cold, hungry, alone and had two parrots staring at me when i was trying to sleep. Thank god for the band the Brain Jones Town Massacre, a band that ive just put on my I pod, a fantastic band that sound like the early stuff from the rolling stones, which just put me in a better place.

Next morning i spoke to Ma and Pa short, they seemed concerned, fantastically i got a text of mum later saying 'were not happy with the sleeping arrangement do you want Dad to ring up Bruce ( he is the guy in charge of the organisation that sent me to Latvia) I rang them back up said thanks but no thanks iļl sort this out and as a matter of fact i had a great first day, sorted out the bed, got a heater for my room went shopping for food, asked for a TV and im allowed to borrow the DVD player, i have a quilt and im going to put up my massive Indian Om sign that i got from well.....India and a Beatles poster that my gran gave to me years ago.
I also met my Mentor Maris, a good guy who is here to help with things like getting a sim card for my phone , setting up a bank acount ect ect. He intoduced me to some of his friends asking me to pretend that im Latvian by just saying Ja (yes) alot and nodding my head when i felt it was neccesary, lets just say i got some funny looks, consequently Maris inivited me to his and his wifes (who is expecting a baby in November) home the next day, we had dinner and then watched a movie.............the movie was YES man with Jim Carey.
Its going well so far but i have a lot comfort in the fact that my dad is at home waiting for the sign to ring up Bruce and to give him shit on the phone, who knows maybe he could get me a penthouse suite but at the moment I love the quirks too much.........even the parots that stare at me when i sleep.

Tune in to the next instalment "raise the alarm"this will deal with me being stuck at the centre not knowing the code and the police showing up.
PS feel free comment on facebook i would love to know what you all think

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